Ubuntu Serial Communication Program


I have Ubuntu 20.04 (32 bit) installed on RPI4 (4GB). I have loopback wire installed on Pin 8,10. I need to use Bluetooth and also basic serial communication over Pin 8,10 to. A better serial debugging tool is sisterm. Command line form; It is a native exe application built using rust; It supports custom syntax highlighting; It works well in windows terminal; If it is only for debugging the serial port, such as embedded development, it consumes less memory than wsl1. The simple start command in powershell: sist -l. Linux Serial Test Application. Contribute to cbrake/linux-serial-test development by creating an account on GitHub.

Serial Communication Example using Pi4J.

The following example demonstrates how to transmit and receive data using the Raspberry Pi serial port.
(A complete article on building and installing a serial port on the Raspberry Pi is available here: http://www.savagehomeautomation.com/projects/raspberry-pi-installing-a-rs232-serial-port.html)


Serial communication requires a number of registers let us have a look at them to understand serial communication in a better way. Registers used in serial communication. SBUF register – These are two buffer registers that hold the received data and the data to be transmitted. SCON register – The control center for serial communication in 8051.

By default, the serial port on the Raspberry Pi is configured as a console port for communicating with the Linux OS shell. If you want to use the serial port in a software program, you must disable the OS from using this port. Please see this blog article by Clayton Smith for step-by-step instructions on how to disable the OS console for this port: http://www.irrational.net/2012/04/19/using-the-raspberry-pis-serial-port/

Ubuntu serial communication programs

Source Code

The source code for this example is included in the github repository:


The following JavaDoc links are the primary interfaces used to communicate via the Pi's serial ports:

Wiring Diagram

The circuit below illustrates a RS232 serial port connected to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO header.
The following circuit can be used in conjunction with this sample code.
(A complete article on building and installing a serial port on the Raspberry Pi is available here: http://www.savagehomeautomation.com/projects/raspberry-pi-installing-a-rs232-serial-port.html)


If you have not already downloaded and installed the Pi4J library on the RaspberryPi, then view this page for instructions on where to download and how to install Pi4J:
Download & Install Pi4J

Ubuntu Serial Communication Programs

First, locate the SerialExample.java source file in the samples folder of the Pi4J installation on the RaspberryPi.
You can use the following command on the Pi's console or SSH terminal to navigate to this path:
cd /opt/pi4j/examples Mac best latex editor.


Next, use the following command to compile this example program:

Ubuntu Serial Communication Programming

javac -classpath .:classes:/opt/pi4j/lib/'*' -d . SerialExample.java


The following command will run this example program:

sudo java -classpath .:classes:/opt/pi4j/lib/'*' SerialExample Download egnyte connect desktop app.

Ubuntu Serial Communication Program


To test this program you will need to connect your computer via serial cable and use a serial communications tool such as Hyperterminal or Indigo Terminal Emulator. Establish a connection using baud rate 34800 with parity set to NONE, data bits to 8 and stop bits to 1. (38400,N,8,1) Once connected you should see the following data displayed in the terminal software:

Second Line
Third Line

This data should be repeated every second.

You can also submit data from the terminal software and that data should be displayed on the Raspberry Pi's console. ' />